Topic 5: Fee Opportunities
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The Fees You Can Expect
I have prepared a fee schedule you can download below to provide some indication of the type or work you can expect to do, and the fees you can generate when working with clients in the Business Development space.
However there is no standard formula for work or fees. Every client will be different, and the work you do is driven by individual client circumstances.
On of the training programs offered on this site is the 9 Stage Business Development Program. When you complete this course you will obtain a very clear understanding of the full scope of works you will be doing in your business advisory practice.
My experience of working with clients in this area was that annual fees were well in excess of $20,000 per annum. And keep in mind I sold my practice in 2011, so I expect hourly rates have risen substantially since then.
If you have any questions about the type of work referred to on the schedule, use the comments section below to log your query.
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Access to Topic 6 – Client Engagement
Fantastic if you have made it to here, we are about to engage with clients, and or attempt to win a new client.
In Topic 6 you will access the process to recruit clients for Business Development work, but there is not a standard template for this. What you do, and what you say in your marketing piece, will depend on the industry your target client, or prospect, operates in.
So when you are ready to commence the marketing process send me an email ([email protected]) and I will set up a conference call via Zoom.